

Patience means a lot , to extend your understanding with someone or generally speaking with people ! Or it might be your patience in getting result with your work out . Perhaps it could be patience in getting or reaching out on your dreams .

For others, if you’re BEGINNER ( like me) ahh …all things takes time you agreed with me ? Those questions how i will be able to established myself unto this world of blogging and all things related into it, again takes a lot of patience.

In life when things are not working on how we expected it ? We are sometimes frustrated or getting out off track. There are days we felt that slow moving right , something like one blue Monday ….

But I’ve realized it’s all about how we handled things or our mindset works for us. Meaning just do your very best . Everything either small or big , all will be working, may not be perfectly, but eventually we will be able to see a result or an outcome.

Patience is one amazing traits or virtue we can practice gradually and without knowing its already within us . Let me end this with one of my favorite qoute ” Have PATIENCE. All things are DIFFICULT before they BECOME easy. “

By Writer's Lifebook

Mom and believer of God!

14 replies on “PATIENCE”

Wise words or wisdom, unfortunately, patience is not a virtue many people posses including me. I do the best I can but I still get impatient at times.


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